Free Tuition Universities and Colleges
There are dozens of colleges that offer free tuition and many will even cover room, board and other incidentals. In most cases these colleges make the offer to select students. In some cases the offer is based on economic considerations, in others it is based on academic factors. The list below indicates colleges that offer free tuition to all accepted students.
Pippa Passes, KY
A Christian school, for students primarily from a 108 county Central Appalachian service area, who are required to work 10 hours per week
Berea, KY
A Christian school, for students primarily from Appalachia, who have limited economic resources
Point Lookout, MO
A Christian school, for students primarily from the Ozarks region, who have limited economic resources and who are willing to work on campus 15 hours a week
New York, NY
Engineering and art school
Philadelphia, PA
Music conservatory
Dyer, NV
A very small, all male, 2 year institution
Needham, MA
Engineering school
Glen Cove, NY
An engineering college for the naval architecture and marine engineering
Colorado Springs, CO
You are required to make a commitment to military service
New London, CT
You are required to make a commitment to military service
Kings Point, NY
You are required to make a commitment to military service
West Point, NY
You are required to make a five-year military commitment
Annapolis, MD
You are required to make a commitment to military service