Maple Flooring Manufacturers Association Scholarship
July 1, 2015
Maximum Award:
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You must be a graduating senior or college student The Maple Flooring Manufacturers Association (MFMA) Scholarship can be used to pay for secondary, advanced or trade school education. Applicants will be considered based on academic achievement and written essay responses.
You must be a legal resident of USA and must attend school in the USA, must be a graduating senior or accepted to an advanced degree program
All applicants must submit a 500 word typed essay and submitted by mail with accompanying materials. Any essay significantly shorter or longer than 500 words will not be accepted. Please select ONE of the below topics for essay submission.
- How do you anticipate making a contribution to society?
- What innovation do you think has made the biggest impact on the world so far and why?
- What one change do you hope to see in the world by the time you graduate?
- What does the term “green” mean to you?
- What environmental trend has had the biggest impact in your lifetime?
- How would you compare your life to that of a tree?
- What one event led you to decide to pursue your selected field of study?