Say No to Bullying Contest

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You must be between 14 and 19 years old

Bullying, you’ve read about it, seen it and perhaps even experienced it. It goes on in every school. So Energize Students has established a Say No to Bullying Contest. To participate, you need to create a video of 4 minutes or less with a scripted scene about bullying and a realistic solution to the situation. The video must include a scene, storyline, or parody that encompasses what bullying is about, how devastating it can be to others and what you would do to make a stand against bullying.

They suggest the following questions to think about for your video:

  • What is your idea to end bullying?
  •  If you've ever been bullied, how did it make you feel?)
  • What program could you implement to deter bullying?
  • How would you organize people to stand up against bullying?
  • Excuses need to stop! (e.g. Kids will be kids, boys will be boys, kids can just be cruel at that age, what can I possibly do to help?
  • Ask yourself, if someone were to watch my video, would they understand what my video was about?
  • You Tube some anti-bullying campaign videos to help develop an idea. (e.g.

“It is estimated that 160,000 children miss school every day due to fear of attack or intimidation by other students." Source: National Education Association


  • You must be a US Citizen or US legal resident.
  • You must be between the ages of 14 and 19 (college freshman and sophomores are eligible if they meet the age requirements)