Little People of America Scholarship

April 22, 2016
Maximum Award: 
High school and college students (see comments)
High school seniors and college students

The Little People of America Scholarship for people who have a medically diagnosed form of dwarfism, but it is also available to members of their family (see the preference list below).

The scholarship is sponsored by Little People of America, Inc. (LPA), a nonprofit organization providing support and information to people of short stature and their families (usually people no taller than 4'10" in height). Dwarfism is the medical term for short stature and it is caused by one of the more than 200 medical conditions known as dwarfism.

Scholarships are given in order of preference to:

  • members of LPA who have a medically diagnosed form of dwarfism
  • immediate family members of dwarfs who are also paid members of LPA
  • people with dwarfism who are not members of LPA

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