First Freedom Student Competition

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For high school students living in Virginia

The national First Freedom Student Competition has been suspended. If you live in Virginia, check the Valentine for future First Freedom Competitions.


The First Freedom Student Competition is open to 9th to 12th grade high school students. You are required to submit an essay or video commenting on the history and current-day relevance of religious freedom in our country.
The US constitution sets forth the right to religious freedom. The youth of today play an important role in upholding and strengthening this liberty. The First Freedom Student Competition has been developed to:

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•    Help high-school students better understand religious freedom - its history and current significance; 
•    Encourage high-school students to explore their individual and civic rights to and responsibilities for religious freedom; 
•    Engage high-school teachers and students in the study of American history and the First Amendment; and 
•    Challenge high-school students to strengthen their analytic writing and media skills.

Online Registration Deadline: November 17, 2014
Postmark Entry Deadline: November 25, 2014

Check out other essay contests for which you may be eligible.