Arkansas Community Foundation
Arkansas Community Foundation engages people, connects resources and inspires solutions to build community. They make grants to improve the quality of life in Arkansas and partner with individuals, families and organizations to strengthen Arkansas’s communities through philanthropy.
3 Cheerleaders Fund
Aaron Cox Memorial Scholarship
Abbie Robinson Scholarship Endowment
Abbott Dr. Judy Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Abbott Judy P D. M. D. Scholarship Endowment
Abbott Scholarship Fund
Airways Freight Scholarship Endowment
Albert and Betty Rusher Scholarship Endowment
Alfred Leymer Educational Trust Fund
Allison Justiss Sweetheart Scholarship
Allison Justiss Visual Arts Scholarship
Allison Justiss Volunteen Scholarship
Ann Burns Smith Scholarship Endowment
Arkansas Service Memorial Scholarship Fund
ARMCA Scholarship Endowment
Armil and Lura Curran Family Scholarship Endowment
AT&T War Memorial Scholarship
Atkinson, Robert P. Hospital Leadership Scholarship Endowment
Auto Services Scholarship Endowment
Bailey, Olin C. and Marjorie H. Scholarship Endowment
Bandy, Erma Scholarship Fund
Barker, Kenny D. Memorial Scholarhsip
Bean, Judith Anna Memorial Scholarship Fund
Beede, Rudy Scholarship Endowment
Bennett, Nicole Scholarship End
Bernice Berry Methodist Scholarship Endowment
Berry, Ozelle Meeks Scholarship Fund
Beta Sigma Phi Scholarship Endowment
Bishop Wallace Johnson Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Boren, V.L. Scholarship Fund
Bradley, Perry F. Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Bradley, Ronald Jr. Scholarship Fund Bridge Fund Scholarship
Brown,Ed Memorial Scholarship Fund
Bumpers,Senator Dale Scholarship Fund
Burdick Matthew Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Business and Professional Women of Heber Springs Scholarship Endowment
Carwell John Berry and Darryl Lynn Carwell
Claire Terrill White Scholarship Endowment
Coke Educational Scholarship Endowment
Coulter Mary Jane and Ashton Baker Coulter Scholarship Endowment
Craighead County Retired Teachers Scholarship Endowment
Cravens Mary Scholarship Fund
Crossett Athletic Eagle Booster Club Scholarship Fund
Crossett Community Scholarship Association Endowment
Crossett Community Scholarship Income Fund
Crossett Rotary Scholarship Endowment
Crowder, Casey Bess Scholarship Fund
Crystalle Jones Memorial Endowment
Culp, Mary E. and Robert Louis Smith Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Darling, Eddie Memorial Scholarship Fund
Darling, L. A. Company Scholarship Fund
Delong, Walter E. Scholarship Endowment
Dian Hendrick Memorial Teachers Scholarship
Dr. and Mrs. Cyrus P. Klein Scholarship Endowment
Dr. Austin C. Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund
DuPree, Dorothy Ezell Scholarship Fund
E.M. Arnold Scholarship Endowment
Ed and Charleen Copeland Scholarship Endowment
Elizabeth G. Redman Republican Party of Arkansas Scholarship Endowment
Farmer, Todd Scholarship Endowment
Federal-Mogul Scholarship Endowment
First National Bank Boyd Carpenter Scholarship fund
Fisher Memorial Scholarship Fund
G. Neil Nelson Scholarship Endowment
Gadberry, Kelsey Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Gates, Anthony and Donna Dolan Scholarship Fund
Gates, Barbara Gail Bright Memorial Scholarship
Ginny Blankenship Nursing Scholarship Endowment
Green, Allen Memorial Scholarship Fund
Greene and Clay Counties Medical Society and Auxiliary Scholarship Endowment
Greg Capps Scholarship Endowment
Hall, Taylore Elizabeth Scholarship Fund
Haller, Lois and Earl Scholarship Endowment
Harley, Rose M. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Harmony Grove Alumni Scholarship Fund
Harris, Dr. Russell Scholarship Endowment
Harris, L. D. "Buck" Memorial Scholarship
Harris, Murray T. Scholarship
Haswell, Col. Claude E. Scholarship Fund
Hauber, O. C. Rotary Scholarship
Helena/West Helena Class of '63 Bart Lindsey Memorial Scholarship
Holloway, John Hunter & Karen Holloway Webb Memorial Scholarship Fund
Holmes, Gary D SMILE Scholarship
Holthoff Susan Scholarship Endowment
Horton, Coach Cliff and Bobbie Scholarship Endowment
Hot Spring Power Company Scholarship Fund
Howell, Elizabeth Boggs Memorial Scholarship Endowment
J. Perry Lee Memorial Scholarship Endowment
J.C. Passmore Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Jack E. and Mollie H. Grober Charitable Endowment
Jim Pickett Full of Heart Athletic Scholarship Endowment
Jim Pledger Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Jim Wright Memorial Scholarship Endowment
John Henry Moss Jr. Scholarship Endowment
Johnson County 4-H Phil Taylor Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Johnson, Opal Birch Scholarship Fund
Katharine N. Cooper Scholarship Endowment
Kayla Jo Biggers Scholarship Endowment
Leadership Camden Area Junior Leadership Scholarship Endowment
Lichty Scholarship
Lillian McGillicuddy Republican Party of Arkansas Scholarship Endowment
Lu Nedrow Graduate Scholarship Endowment
Lyon, Gene Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Malvern Class of 1949 Scholarship Fund
Mann, Bill Educational Fund
Marie and Bob Marshall Republican Party of Arkansas Scholarship Endowment
Matthews, Martha Fund
Maul Road Church of Christ Scholarship Endowment
Maxwell, Amanda Leighe Memorial Scholarship Endowment
McNeal Workers Scholarship Club Fund
Mefford Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Merchants & Planters Bank Scholarship Endowment
Michelle's Young Educated Women Scholarship Fund
Mildred and Bob Pilgram Scholarship Fund
Mildred and Glenn Key Endowment
Monroe County Medical Professionals Scholarship Endowment
Murray T. Harris Scholarship Fund
Nabholz Charitable Foundation Scholarship Endowment
Nelson, Lynn Scholarship Award Fund
Nelson, Sheffield UCA Fund
Nelson, Sheffield UALR Law School Fund
Nelson, Sheffield & Ted McCastlain Fund
Nipper, Robbey Scholarship Endowment
O'Conner, J. A. Jr. Scholarship Fund
Ohlendorf Civic Scholarship Endowment
Oldham, Bill Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ouachita County Community Engineering Scholarship Endowment
Overton Family Scholarship Endowment
Patricia Sullivan Scholarship Endowment
Patterson, Viola Mae Kropp and Harry Lee Patterson Scholarship Endowment
Peggy Pickens Nursing Scholarship Endowment
Peterson Family Scholarship
Phil W. Taylor Family Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Phil W. Taylor Family Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Phil W. Taylor Family Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Pickens Scholarship Endowment
Pilgram, Robert R. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Pine Bluff High School Class of 1962 Scholarship Endowment
Plunkett, Eugenia Rose Scholarship Fund
Political Animals Club Scholarship Fund
Poultry Federation Scholarships
Ragsdale-Johnson Scholarship Fund
Ray Messer Scholarship Endowment
Reed Properites Inc. Scholarship Endowment
Residents Against Illegal Drugs (R.A.I.D.) Scholarship Endowment
Richard S. and Janet D. Jones Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Rison State Champions Scholarship Fund
Rix, Alicia Nicole Memorial Scholarship Fund
Robbins, Jon Memorial Scholarship Fund
Robert W. Rutledge Memorial Education Endowment
Roberts, T. L. and Patsy Harrison Scholarship Endowment
Robey, Jack Scholarship Fund
Roosevelt L. Thompson Scholarship
Russell, Jae Lynn Scholarship Endowment
Rutherford, James L. "Skip" III Scholarship Endowment
Ryan Mondy D.A.S.H. Memorial Scholarship
Sandborn, Dr. L. T. Chemistry Scholarship Fund
Sanders, T.C. & Maudine Scholarship and Education Fund
Schexnayder Scholarship Endowment
Scroll Technologies Scholarship Fund
Segraves Family Scholarship Endowment
Shibley, Luther C. Honorary Scholarship Fund
Smith, Dr. John McCollough Athletic Scholarship Fund
Smithwick/Clayton Scholarship Endowment
Spicer Educational Fund
Stobaugh, Bruce Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Strickland Scholarship Fund
Strong, William A. and Genevieve H. Scholarship Endowment
Supercow Endowment for Academic Excellence in Agriculture
Taylor Ralph and Faye Scholarship Endowment
Teachers of Tomorrow Scholarship Endowment
Test Scholarship
Toad Suck Daze GetSmart Challenge Scholarship Endowment
Univision Arkansas Scholarship Fund
Van Patten, Kathryn and Irvin B. Scholarship Endowment
Vincent and Sally Insalaco Scholarship Endowment
Vivian Simpson Storch Scholarship Endowment
Waldrup Gertrude Elizabeth Scholarship Endowment
Walton, Ryan Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Watson Chapel High School Class of 1973 Scholarship Endowment
Weaver, Phillip Scholarship Trust
William A. Lindsay Jr. Memorial Scholarship Endowment
William and Rosanna Sumner Educational Opportunity Scholarship Endowment
Wood, Clayton Memorial Scholarship Fund
Xi Chapter of Kappa Sigma Scholarship Endowment